Spaces, 156 Great Charles Street Queensway, B3 3HN

0121 272 8378

Getting your business ranking well in Google My Business can increase your chances of showing up in Google’s Local Pack, Google Maps and general organic rankings. It's free for a business to claim and verify their listing on Google. You can include some very useful information about your business for example your address, hours you’re open and phone number. This is shown below: Many local businesses just claim their Google My Business listing and forget about it....

Todays mobile controlled world means that to stay competitive you need to have teams working together to analyse and interpret marketing data. This means that everyone needs to have knowledge and understanding, to help you to reach data related goals. Your team should be able to analyse everything from the overall performance of the business to  customer insights. In the long term, this can help you to reach your customers when it matters most, potentially resulting...

Google does not allow signals from social media to directly affect ranking, however it does allow you to put your business front and centre on the search engine results pages, which can mean more people will see your brand. Here’s how Socials impact SEO… Ways Social Media Impacts SEO: Drives Traffic to Websites. Posting links to great content can help you to gain shares, likes and comments, and also encourage viewers to go through to...

In April 2019, Google+ will be shut down for consumers due to their user data was left exposed. Google have warned that G Suite customers may see changes to their account due to this change, due to them adding new features to the Google+ for G Suite customers. Changes to G Suite Customers: Google+ content will start to be removed, but may still remain visible to G Suite users Google+ pages and events will...

Google Adwords is now introducing four new metrics which are going to be rolled out in the next few weeks. These metrics provide more information about the rankings of your ads, as Google have stated the average position might not give the user enough information to the user for them to make a decision on specific bids and budget.   Google states that average position is not meant to describe where the ad appears on the page. Average...