PPC Management

Our Paid Manager Mollie is an expert in paid social. We've asked her about some common mistakes digital marketers make in their campaigns and what you can do to avoid them!    What would you say is the most common issue which kills the success of any digital campaign? I would always say a lack of testing will result in poor performance for any paid social campaign. If you’re not trying a variety of audiences, ad creatives, copy, call...

What is an attribution model? According to Google, the attribution model is the rule or set of rules that determine how the credit for a sale or conversion is assigned to the touchpoint throughout the consumer journey. A consumer journey is never as linear as shown in the old consumer journey funnel below.  These days consumers have a lot more choices/platforms available at their fingertips for research. Chances are, most consumers will do their research from multiple channels such...

There is no doubt Google is the biggest search engine worldwide, but where exactly does bing rank? In the UK Google has a 89.1% market share in the UK and Bing is in second place with 6.76% market share. This shows the dominance of Google in the UK search industry and this is why as an agency we focus on Google. In the US Google have a 88.21% and Bing has 6.4% market share. However there...

You may have noticed the Google results looking a little differently lately, and this is all down to the new search redesign update that Google rolled out towards the end of May. This new update is intended to make the search results more concise and easier to read while making it easier to determine which results are the most relevant and helpful to you. For the world of advertising this means that Google text ads have a fresh...

As a digital marketing agency client reporting is very important as clients are paying us to create and manage AdWords. Therefore they should know what results are being achieved with our marketing efforts. It is important that we show them how many conversions (telephone calls, emails, contact form submission etc) we have driven to their business. As well as conversions it is also important that the cost per conversions is communicated so that the clients have...

We all know what a Search Engine is - and how we use them in everyday life. But can you remember the time before Google?  Here’s a timeline of the evolution of the Search Engine… 1989 - Archie was the very first search engine, that searched FTP sites to create an index for downloadable files, but not the contents for each site. 1993 - Aliweb was created. This crawled meta info and allowed users to submit web pages...

Social Media is a great way to increase traffic and brand exposure, as well as generate quality leads and sales. Did you know that Facebook remains the platform of choice for the majority of marketers? You may already use Facebook organically, you may even have spent some budget on ‘boosting’ your posts, but why should you use Facebook Ads? Find out below. People spend a lot of time on Facebook - the average person spends 40 minutes...

Natural language search, or conversational search, is search carried out in everyday language, phrasing questions as you would ask them if you were talking to someone or seeking advice. These queries can be typed into a search engine, spoken aloud with voice search, or a digital assistant like Siri. Natural language and keyword based searches are different. A keyword-based search query for that information might be “Eiffel Tower height”. But if you were searching using natural...

Building a keyword list is vital to aid your PPC campaign, as it will ensure that your ads are shown to the right customers. This is because keywords should match the terms that your potential customers are searching for, to find your products and services. Not sure where to start with a keyword list? Below are some pointers on building a powerful keyword list. Think Like a Customer A great way to start is by writing...

Remarketing sounds complicated, but it’s incredibly simple and can take your advertising strategy from zero to hero. Below I’ll explain what remarketing is and how it works, why it’s so effective, and its benefits to your site. What is Remarketing? Remarketing is the practise of serving targeted ads across the internet to people that have already been to your website, basically allowing the company to follow users around the internet  with ads in the goal of...