Google AdWords PPC

Awareness - Awareness is at the top of the funnel.  Consumers have to know about your product or service in order to buy your product or service. At this stage, consumers don’t know enough about your products in order to type in anything specific. The keywords consumers type in when they at the awareness stage are quite generic for example washing machines, computer, plumber.    Interest - So once a customer is made aware that your product or...

Children’s screen time could be costing you money An ever-increasing scenario in today’s digital world, a parent lends their mobile device or tablet to their children to keep them occupied. They might play some games or watch children’s videos on youtube. Fairly normal, right? You might be asking what the issue is. Imagine a young child happily tapping away on a mobile game or video. Oops! They just clicked your ad by mistake and you’ve just paid for...

Before I start talking about the importance of conversion tracking I need to explain the what a conversion actually is. A conversion in Google Ads is when someone clicks on your ads and then takes action on your website or landing page that you’ve defined as valuable. Therefore a conversions could be: A sale A phone call A form fill Newsletter sign up A sign up for a service I believe tracking conversion of your PPC campaign...

The new location targeting update option is aimed at reaching commuters Google has quietly been rolling out a new location targeting update over the past few days. Initially spotted in display campaigns, the updates are now included with search and shopping campaigns too. So what exactly is changing? Aimed at reaching commuters, the ‘People in your targeted location’ option has been changed to ‘People in or regularly in your targeted location’. With this change, a commuter who is often in...

If you are a small business and are running your PPC campaign you need to be keeping track of these 5 key metrics: Impressions Impressions are the number of times your ads have been seen. Therefore you need to keep an eye on the number of impressions your ads are receiving. First of all, if your ads are not getting impressions then no one will be seeing your ads, which means there is no chance you will get...

In recent years Google has been focused on making sure that Google Adwords is used in an ethical and responsible matter in order to protect users. Therefore there are many guidelines and policies which have to be followed especially when creating ads. Last year 2.3 billion bad ads were removed by Google. Common ads which were removed include ticket reseller ads, phishing ads, cryptocurrency ads and bail bonds. Many of the for-profit bail bond ads were...

Google Shopping Ads are now going to show in Google image searches. This means that if you type in relevant keywords into Google Images shopping ads will appear for this product above the image results. This is a brand new change, therefore I estimate that this will mainly apply to people searching for products in Google images. For example if someone searched for brown leather jacket in Google images then shopping ads will appear in the...

Google AdWords provides a huge opportunity to marketers to advertise and increase their click through rate by being positioned higher in the search engine results pages. There are many ways to beat your competition, by increasing your bid, quality score and use of keywords. But what people often miss, is that the use of Negative Keywords can also have an impact on their campaign. Spending more time on your negative keyword research can help you to...

Google Adwords is now introducing four new metrics which are going to be rolled out in the next few weeks. These metrics provide more information about the rankings of your ads, as Google have stated the average position might not give the user enough information to the user for them to make a decision on specific bids and budget.   Google states that average position is not meant to describe where the ad appears on the page. Average...

Keyword match types determine which searches will cause your ad to appear. Each keyword will have a match type within Adwords which controls how loosely or restrictively you want it to match your ads to keyword searches. There are four match match types currently available in Adwords: Broad match The default match type is broad match, which will show your ad for anything search query that Google sees relevant to your keyword. For example if your keyword is trainers...