Facebook vs Google Ads: Which Is Best For You?

Cartoon computer screen, tablet and phone in blue with Ad

Facebook vs Google Ads: Which Is Best For You?

Both platforms have billion of users but which one is best for your business?

When it comes to online advertising you have a myriad of options but Google Ads and Facebook are always core choices.

It’s no surprise when Google has over 3.5 billion (yes billion!) searches per day and Facebook has 2.37 billion active users.

So what are the differences between the two and which one suits your business best? Let’s have a look.

Google Ads

Google’s main method of targeting is with keywords. Keywords are the billions of daily searches that users input, so a big benefit of keyword targeting means you’re targeting people with active interest and intent.

On top of keyword targeting you can also include demographic targeting such as age and gender, and even what device they’re searching on such as desktop, mobile and tablet.

Keyword targeting can be a bit more expensive per click but users are more likely to convert since they are actively interested.

Facebook Ads

Facebook targets people using audiences, where you can target select interests, behaviours and demographics.
This type of targeting won’t be reaching people actively searching but your ads can get more exposure to a wider audience for a lower cost per click.

Which is best for you?

With the above in mind, which do you feel might be the best fit for you?
Facebook ads are brilliant for starting or getting more brand awareness and Google search can really help your conversion goals.

At Siren Search, we usually recommend using both in conjunction with each other to help boost brand awareness with Facebook and also capturing users in Google who are searching with intent.

Naturally, this all comes to down to your budgets. Think carefully about your target audience, product, services and goals, then test both platforms to see which one works for you.


Emily is a Digital Marketing Executive at Siren Search.

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