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HTML Basics

HTML Basics

HTML stands for the Hyper Text Markup Language, and describes the structure of web pages. HTML includes elements, also called tags.

Browser do not display the HTML, but instead use them to render the content of the page.

HTML tags usually come in pairs, called opening and closing tags. These are surrounded by angle tags. The end tag is written identical to the start, but with a forward slash. For example, <p> and </p>.

Elements can also have attributes, which contain extra information such as style details. As well as this, you can insert elements inside of elements, called nesting. For example:

<p>The internet is <strong>very</strong> important</p>

Image HTML looks slightly different, as it does not include a closing tag or inner content. This is because its intent is to embed an image into the page, rather than wrap content. It will, however, have an alt tag, which helps to describe the image.

<img src=”images/business-icon.png” alt=”Siren Search Logo”>

You can add unordered lists by using <ul>, ordered lists by using <ol>, and list items using <li>.

To add a link into the HTML, there are a few more steps. Begin by adding <a>, with the link, followed by the anchor text, and closing tag.

<a href=””>About Us</a>

Overall, HTML is extremely important as it is a fundamental technology behind everything in a web browser, from web pages to apps. Paired with CSS, your website can be changed and altered easily when needed.


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Rebecca is a Digital Marketing Coordinator at Siren Search.

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