It’s Time to Get Personal – Meeting Harps Sohal

Photo of Harps Sohal

It’s Time to Get Personal – Meeting Harps Sohal

As the year draws to a close, we start to reflect on 2019 as a whole – and it has certainly been a year of growth here at Siren Search! So, we thought it would be a great opportunity to get to know our team a little more. Each week we focus on one of our team members, giving you a bit of insider knowledge to what they do here at Siren Search, and how their brains work!


First up we have… Harps Sohal – Director and Founder of Siren Search 


Basic Information on Harps

Job Role: Director and Founder

Time with Company: Since time began

Digital Marketing Specialities: Wizard of all things digital, with mega experience in PPC


Harps answers our questions…

1. If you could only live with one piece of technology, what would it be? (Yes, that includes cars, mobile and TV’s!) 

Would have to be my iPhone because it’s my doorway to the world!

2. What’s your favourite thing about working at Siren Search? 

Culture – I get a strong sense of feel that people work here because they want to and because the team feel empowered which makes them genuinely care about what we’re building here. We definitely have the right people here that live and breathe Digital and these are the ingredients to success for any company.

3. If you could only live with one app for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

Whatsapp – It’s become integral to digital/social interaction, without it we’d have to revert to SMS and no one uses that anymore do they! I suspect very soon we’ll be able to carry out marketing through Whatsapp too 🙂

4. What’s one thing that you want to do in your lifetime (e.g. visit a certain country, do a skydive, own a cat) 

I’d love to travel to Rio de Janeiro and it’s firmly on my bucket list. 

5. What’s your guilty pleasure? 

My cheat day on Friday! Anyone who knows me knows about my cheat day. I eat super clean all week and then go crazy on junk food (especially pizza!), sweets, crisps, chocolate, doughnuts and more…

6. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not at work? 

My busy world outside work revolves around 3 simple things – Family, close friends (1Crew… yes we have a name lol!) and fitness.

7. What are you passionate about?

I am genuinely super passionate about Digital Marketing, I’m one of those people that can look forward to Monday mornings! At Siren Search, I’m realising this passion because I’m putting so much emphasis on the culture and vision to be the biggest and best at what we do in Birmingham and beyond. We’re absolutely disrupting the traditional agency model with our unique and new collaborative offering. 

8. Who inspires you? 

Sir Alex Ferguson – His ability to remain at the top of football for so long was underpinned by a belief in his teams’ abilities and giving them licence to autonomously express themselves and learn from mistakes. This is what separates him and gives me so much inspiration to manage my colleagues in the same way with 100% belief in them and their abilities, hence only the best work here 🙂

9. If you asked your friends to describe you in 3 words – what would they be? 

Reliable. Honest. Driven.

10. Bonus – If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? 

The ability to shapeshift into different people so I can pretend to be someone else as a joke – That sounds like fun!


So, now you know Harps a little better! Tune in next week where we find out more about… Rebecca Page!


Rebecca is a Digital Marketing Coordinator at Siren Search.

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