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Important Changes to Google Seller Ratings

google seller ratings stars

Important Changes to Google Seller Ratings

Google have recently announced that they will be making various changes to the Google Seller Ratings. This is a feature that you can get on Google PPC Ads.

Google Seller ratings are rating displayed to your customers on your search result, enabling them to find businesses that offer quality services.

Seller Ratings Changes

Come early October, Google will begin displaying your businesses seller rating on a country basis, helping to make it more localised for customers within your country. This also helps to reflect the exact experience that they may encounter, should they purchase from you.

Currently, you must have 150 global reviews for this feature to show on your ad, but Google will now be lowering this to just 100 reviews per country.

Benefits of the Changes

In the long term, these changes mean that companies with good customer service stand out, and strengthens the power of your reviews. It also means that smaller companies with less reviews have the chance for this feature to be shown on their ads.

Google recommends working with additional sources such as third part review partners (e.g. Trustpilot) or Google Customer Reviews to increase your seller rating eligibility. This helps you to increase the number of reviews that you have, which can improve your reputation.

You can use this handy article from Google to find out more on the Seller Ratings feature.


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Rebecca is a Digital Marketing Coordinator at Siren Search.

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