What is a Terms of Use Document?

terms and conditions

What is a Terms of Use Document?

Terms of Use are rules that users must agree to in order to use a service, such as your website. These are usually a disclaimer, as well as including the company’s responsibilities and liabilities.

Terms of Use documents are used for various reasons. Firstly, they protect your business from risk or uncertainties. They are also a great way to show that you own your content, protecting it from theft or misuse. Terms of Use are also an effective way of stating that you do not hold responsibilities for errors in your content.

In your Terms of Use document, you should include:

  • Products and services that are provided
  • Payment terms
  • Guarantees or Warranties
  • Contracts and the laws which govern these
  • Procedure if one party wants to end the relationship
  • Definition of sites you host or manage

Why do I need a Terms of Use Document?

  • Prevent Abuse – They decrease the risk if users try to abuse their rights
  • Own your content – including logo, content and design of website
  • Limit Liability – This notifies users that the owner is not responsible for any errors in site content
  • Change Clause – Stating that the site owners have the right to modify or change the agreement


To help you comply with GDPR, Siren Search are offering GDPR solutions that take the pain out of becoming compliant. See our GDPR Packages if you need help in this area.


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View our GDPR packages that we offer, helping your business to become compliant

Rebecca is a Digital Marketing Coordinator at Siren Search.

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