Spaces, 156 Great Charles Street Queensway, B3 3HN

0121 272 8378


A meta description is a summary or snippet of information that shows under the URL of a website in the Search results page. This is a brief description of the contents of the page to the searcher, of up to 320 characters in length. Search engines show it in search results when the meta description also includes the keywords being searched. Meta descriptions influence the decision of the searcher, as it will attract them to click...

You want your website to rank highly, but with all of the competition out there, you don't know where to start. Here are a few useful tips that will help you to improve your website content to keep users on the site longer and convert. Call to Action The goal of a site or page should be obvious to any user. This could be making a purchase, contacting you, or reading more on other services that you...

The Facebook pixel is a powerful tool that allows you to optimise your Facebook ads performance. It does this by building Custom Audiences by running retargeting campaigns on Facebook and showing your ads to website viewers. This handy tool allows you to reach the right audience, which can result in an increase in sales which you can measure easily. Benefits of Using Facebook Pixel: Facebook Pixel enables you to reach an audience that's shown an...

Off Site SEO refers to the procedures taken outside of your own website to impact your rankings on search engine results pages. Engines can discover how pages are related to one another, impacting your search rankings, as well as ranking your sites popularity, trustworthiness and authority. How to Achieve Off-Site SEO Links SEO is accomplished by other pages and reputable places on the internet linking to your website, which verifies for the quality of your content. This can be broken...

On Site SEO is when you optimise elements on your website in order to improve your search engine rankings, which involves HTML source code, as well as organic content. This includes pages, titles, content, format and structure of your website, with target keywords being optimised. How to Create On Site SEO Firstly, you need to identify your target keywords, which you can then implement on your website. You can do this by adding keywords to headings...