Episode 1: Business Facebook Page Tips 

Illustration of computer screen with Facebook and relevant logos

Episode 1: Business Facebook Page Tips 

Having a Facebook page for your brand is now a necessity for all businesses, as Facebook is home to nearly 2 billion monthly active users. This means that it is an effective tool to help your business to get noticed, liked and engaged with, as well as aiding your lead generation. 

It can seem like a daunting task to create your own Facebook Page, but we can assure you that it really is quite simple! We’ve compiled the tips below to help you to create an engaging page on Facebook, to take full advantage of everything this marketing tool has to offer. 

1. Create a Business Page – Not a Personal One 

There are lots of businesses out there that make the rookie mistake of making a personal page rather than a business page, which can put them at a huge disadvantage. On a personal page, user must send you a ‘Friend Request’ in order for them to see your information, whereas a business page anyone can view. What’s more, a Business Page will give you access to insights and analytics, helping you to identify places to make improvements that can enhance your marketing strategy. 

2. Add a Recognisable and Perfect Profile Picture 

Adding a profile picture will make you visible to users, and help your audience to recognise you as a brand. You should ideally use your company logo, or if you are a consultant then a headshot is great too. Having a profile picture will also help you when you show up in Facebook Search. Always keep in mind that your profile picture will need to comply to Facebook picture dimensions, which are currently 170×170 pixels on desktop, and 128×128 pixels on smartphones.

3. Don’t Forget Your Cover Photo! 

Once you’ve chosen your profile picture, you will then need to add a cover photo. This is the image displayed above your profile picture on your profile, and is a good space to use for product shots. Again, ensure that this is the correct dimensions, which are currently 820 x 312 pixels on desktop, and 640 x 360 pixels on smartphones.

4. Add a CTA (Call-To-Action) Button 

On a Facebook Business Page, you will notice that there is a small blue button on the right hand side of the page. This is a CTA button, and allows users to click it to find out more or to purchase an item. You can tailor this button to what you want users to do, whether that be to visit your website, send you an email, or sign up to your newsletter. 

5. Fill Out Your ‘About’ Section 

You may not think that this is of great importance, but we can assure you that it is. Navigate to the ‘About’ section on the left hand side of the page to edit. This includes a short section About you (which users will read to find out more information and build trust with you), your mission, company information and your story. Always remember to fill out the general information such as contact details (email address, phone number and website), as this will allow users to build trust with you and also contact you. 

And there we have it, the first instalment of our Facebook Page Tips. Come back next week to read the next chapter in this series – Facebook Business Page 2 – to find out how to further optimise your Facebook page. Need help setting up your social media? Contact our friendly team now to see how we can help. 


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Rebecca is a Digital Marketing Coordinator at Siren Search.

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